
My both experiences on teaching and taking courses..

My experience as a learner;   Learning  It is a process a series of experiences that lead to the great    moments of life .   since I was in primary school. I took English courses, Back then I didn't find it something strange listening to the teacher speaking a different language. I guess becuase of my mom's. since we were little she was talking with us in English and also let us watch different kinds of cartoon. However, the courses I took they helped a lot, also I learned so many things starting from the Alphabets to making sentences and how to write, and I made so many friends which they became a beautiful part of my life. It was the best part of my life. I met there a person, and since then we are best friends and more than sisters, we helped each other, studied together, and we were there for each other. these courses helped a lot becoming the person I am today, I was a shy person not social, I don't like to talk or get a long with strangers , so takin...

Final exam requirements.

Final Exam Q1 A- Proofreading my own blog. This is a screenshot before editing my own blog  And this is a screenshot after editing my own blog Q1 B- Giving feedback about my classmate's blog. Before editing.... After editing... Another screenshot of classmate's blog... Before editing    After editing... Q2- Create an online test... Q3- Create a questionnaire...

Mind Platter book ❤️

 Mind Platter   is a book of short paragraphs and quotes on a variety of topics which influence our lives and living.  I love this author; She has a brilliant mind and I could listen to her speak for hours. She has wisdom far beyond her years. Her words healed my heart and soul. I highly recommend to read this amazing book. it's totally worth it. I posted the link of the website. Enjoy reading one of the amazing books ever ❤ When the first time I read this book, I was amazed about how these words are beautiful. Every time I completed my reading for the day I felt so relieved and at bliss. My soul felt cleared. The book can connect to anyone who's human, because it contains all valuable lessons. I’m so glad I found this book, I will forever remember it. I definitely will reread it again in a few months. 

No Grammatical mistakes, no worries anymore !

 If you're a student and you have lack in English skills, or if you're an employee who's trying so hard just to finish writing a report in English language with no grammatical mistakes , then you have got to see this website! I found it while ago when I was looking for a trustworthy program or a website that I can rely on to correct any mistakes in my essays & assignments. And honestly it was perfect. What's this website ? This website is the best of the best ! Grammarly website is the best online writing assistant; it has a lot of advantages such as: Enhance word choices.  Rephrase the sentences.  Add/correct punctuation.  Up-level your communication. In addition, another thing which is really great  is that you can download it to your phone and use it daily and use it as your main keyboard. Therefore, using it would be more easily. I used it in lots of times even when I chat with my friends, it made me more comfortable when I text them in English, als...

The Article... Hello everyone.... I found this article a couple weeks, and I had to share with you and learn and know some facts about our plant and what's happening to the world, you must all be aware of what's going on... have look on it.....  I read this article last week and I found it so useful.  It talks about global warming its causes and   effects.  It shows how it impacts our lives. I found it so interesting and important, it also reveal how we can    reduce it by following some simple steps, so we can save our planet. it is well written, easy to   understand, using simple words and effective images.     I recommend you to read it . you will learn a lot.

Being an English learner and a future EFL teacher in Libya...

To be an English learner . There are some point which should be consider, you have to be you who want to learn English. It is important to focua on your teacher and try to get as much information from her/him as possible. Also to participate in classes, and never get shy just ask to clarify any points which are not clear. finally you have to work on yourslef not just rely on your teacher. Being a future EFL teacher in Libya : Teaching English is what I was always looking forward. To be a future EFL teacher is one of my dreams and hopefully I am achieving it. Making students understand and gain from me how to speak, listen and comprehense English make me feel I am on the correct track. well teaching English in Libya is a bit hard when dealing with students in advanced levels especially if they were not properly taught in their early age. However I like teaching and I'll do my best to be that teacher that my students won't foget.

الأجواء العائلية هي الأفضل

اهلا متابعيني، معظمكم على علمِ بأن أخي الأكبر والمفضل يدرس بالخارج و مرّت على اخر زيارة له سنتان!  و في العطلة الصيفية فاجئنا بمجيئه قبل انطلاقنا والذهاب لرحلتنا العائلية التقليدية! فأصبحت فرحتنا مضاعفة بوجوده معنا، فأضاف البهجة والسرور لجميع أفراد العائلة وخصوصًا والدتي؛ لكونه هو الأخ والأب وكل عائلتنا بعد وفاة أبي _رحمة الله عليه_ فحضور أخي لا بد أن ينتشلنا من أي حزن كان. و كما ذكرتُ مسبقًا، أن لدينا تقليد عائلي وهو ذهابنا جميعًا لبيت جدي بمسقط رأسنا و البقاء هناك لمدة تكفينا لتصفية أذهننا. أول يوم ومنذ اليوم التاسع عشر من يوليو بدأنا رحلتنا السعيدة، فور وصولنا لمنزل جدي قمت بتقبيل جدتي الحبيبة على رأسها كما تَحب هي وكما أفضل أنا، فقد فاق اشتياقي لها ما يمكن البوح بِه، وذلك بسبب طول المسافة بين بيتنا بالعاصمة ومنزل جدي بيفرن (الجبل الغربي) فأصبحت أتمنى عدم إنتهاء هذه الأيام  وكأنها عيد. وبعد أن تجمعنا نحن وجميع خالاتي قمنا بتقسيم المهام، فاتفقتُ أنا و أخواتي على أن نقُم بتجهيز الإفطار، و فضلنا وضعه بالحديقة بسبب اعتدال الطقس ذلك اليوم وكانت صدفة جميلة لخلق ذكرى رائعة لذاك ال...